Sunday, January 2, 2011

We CAN Do It!

I love this old poster and what it stands for, which is why I was sad to read that the lady who inspired the gorgeous illustration, died recently. Her name was Geraldine Doyle, and it was her photo that the poster was based on (minus the strong, manly arms apparently). The word on the street is that Geraldine didn't actually stick around the factory too long after the photo was taken - on account of not wanting to hurt her hands (and fair enough too I say)!

'Rosie the Riveter' is less about the person Geraldine Doyle, and more about the spirit of womanhood. I declare that inside us all lives a strong armed, kick arse broad, rocking a cute bandanna and a can-do attitude! It's a reminder that we all have great strength within us. I heard a well known quote once, and it has stayed with me ever since; I can't recall who said it but it goes something like 'Women are like tea bags - they get stronger when in hot water.'

Farewell Geraldine Doyle, live on Rosie!

SB xx

1 comment:

MissEmy said...

Oh I love that quote about women being like tea bags! :D I've never heard it before - but it's definitely a favorite now. :D Happy New Year!