Monday, November 1, 2010

waiting to inhale-exhale-inhale

I wrote this some days ago - but never had a chance to post it. I think it's a good reference point for where my head has been at, so I decided to post it, even though the moment has passed.

I feel like I've forgotten to breathe. It used to be just at work I would feel this way - but now, the feeling follows me home like a stray dog. It doesn't matter what happens, I forever feel like I'm playing catch-up.

It's the same feeling I remember I used to get when I was a child, playing hide and seek. The same feeling you would get as the panic stricken "seeker" running aimlessly in circles trying to find somebody, anybody - and then for a split second, the idea that maybe everyone is playing a trick on you crosses your mind - am I being laughed at?

I feel like I'm being laughed at right now.

SB xx

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